Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tutu For You Too

No Sew Tutus that I found on YouTube loaded by Wowzzydotcom.

This is awesome!! 

Let me give you a little background information as to why I wanted to learn how to make a tutu for my baby girl.

I have a friend who is trying to adopt.  She is about to get her kiddos and I am so happy for her BUT the process was hard and there was a lot of money to be spent.

How do you raise money?  But a fundraiser of course!!  They had a few fundraisers and one of those fundraisers was a raffle!  Who doesn't love a raffle?  So I put in a little to help out.
Well...  I actually won something!  I couldn't believe it.  I never win anything!!  I was so excited, I won a $20 gift certificate to a super cute little business that makes tutu's.  I thought it was a great win until I looked at the prices.  

Please don't get me wrong.  I support mom and pop businesses because I grew up on the income of a self employed parent that relied solely on those who support those kinds of stores.  So, instead of buying from this store, I supported the mom and pop store in my area that supplies the items needed to make a tutu.  As for the gift certificate, I let someone else win it.

The first thing I did was google 'How to make a tutu'.  The first thing that came up was the video on YouTube I mentioned above.  "Julie Figueroa shows you how to make a tutu for a little girl. This method can also be used to make an adult tutu." Wowzzydotcom.  It's great!  Super easy instructions and it's not hard to do.  It does take time though.

My daughters birthday was coming up when I was making this.  Her theme since she was born has been honey bees.  So, for her birthday I made a tutu that was white black and yellow.  I then made a headband that had two antennas and used the scrap black and yellow pieces of tulle for between the antennas. 

Just to reiterate the instructions that are on the video:

  1. You need the following items:
    • Ribbon
    • Tulle
    • Scissors
    • Ruler (if you want to get that technical which I did not)
  2. Measure out the length of ribbon needed to go around the little girls waist.
  3. Tie a knot at each end of the waist measurement and add 20 inches to each side.
  4. Cut your tulle.  You may have to work a little bit differently than Julie shows you so, let me give you some tips:
  5. You can see the spool there on the left.  10 pieces that are each 10 inches long and in as even pile as can be.

    Roll the tulle starting at the short end so it looks like this.

    I did not make my pieces 3" wide but 2 inches.  Worked just fine.
    • Cut out 10 pieces that are 10 inches long unless you want them longer (If you want the tutu to be 6 inches long then you will want to cut out 12 inch pieces)
    • Evenly stacked them
    • Rolled it up (short side not long ways)
    • Cut off the edges
    • Cut the middle.  This will give you 20 pieces of tulle to put on your ribbon
  6. Next you will attach each piece of tulle to the ribbon.  You do this by:
    • Folding the piece of tulle in half
    • Tie it to the ribbon by making the folded part a loop and putting the two end pieces through the loop
  7. Do that with all the tulle pieces till you have a tutu!
  8. I also trimmed the edges to make sure that all were even.
The tutus are really cute and when my daughter wore hers to her birthday party, she got a million compliments.  I am sorry but I was so busy at the party that I never got a moment to take any pictures. Boo.

This is how I used the scrap pieces: